Join 4-H

What is 4-H?

4-H is a youth organization of boys and girls, grades K-13, sharing, doing and learning together in all kinds of projects and activities. 4-H members are guided by volunteer adult leaders and parents.

Members choose projects that fit their personal interests and the places where they live. Members run their own club meetings and make their own decisions. Boys and girls in cities and towns enjoy 4-H as much as rural kids.

4-H Offers a place to…

  • make friends
  • develop life skills
  • build confidence
  • learn about interests beyond school subjects
  • gain leadership skills
  • strengthen your family
  • help your community

How does 4-H Youth Development programming in Eau Claire County work in the community?

4-H Youth Development programming is more than just our traditional community clubs.  We have various methods of outreach in Eau Claire County, from programming in afterschool settings to working with community partners.  4-H is taken right to students in many school districts and classrooms, where it provides enrichment and life skill development to youth-even if they are not members of traditional 4-H.  Our programs also allow us to partner with community organizations, helping strengthen positive youth development in the county.

What is a 4-H project?

A project is an area of interest that the 4-H member wants to learn more about during the year. Resources including: written materials, media based resources, and project leaders, are avilable to help you learn about your projects. Eau Claire County offers more than projects in the following areas:

  • Animal Sciences
  • Communications & Cultural Arts
  • Family, Home & Health
  • Mechanical Sciences
  • Natural Resources & Environmental Ed
  • Plant & Soil Sciences
  • Special Projects

A complete list of projects is available on the 4-H Clubs page.

What do you do in 4-H besides work on projects?

4-H members have opportunities to be involved in lots of activities and events throughout the year. You can enter project work at the county fair, go to camp, enter speaking, music and drama competitions, do community service, play basketball, show your animals, go on trips and participate in fun events with other members. All 4-H members are eligible for awards for their 4-H work.

Who can join 4-H?

4-H is open to all interested youth grades K-13. Kindergarteners, first and second graders participate in the Cloverbud program which is designed especially for them. 4-H is open to all youth without regard to race, sex, color, age, national origin, or disability.

What is expected of a 4-H member?

When you join 4-H, you are expected to attend your club’s meetings and enroll in at least one 4-H project. Every 4-H member is encouraged to prepare a project and demonstration to exhibit at the fair or club meeting. In August, 4-H members complete a record book to record their activities for the year.

Parents are a very important part of 4-H. Parents help 4-H members choose their projects, provide transportation, and encourage the 4-H’er to do their best. Many parents share their time, skills, and resources with the entire 4-H club by becoming project or club leaders. Involved parents make 4-H work and help members be successful.

How much does it cost?

It costs only $10.00 to join 4-H for the entire year. Each club may set a cap per family to join. Individual 4-H clubs may have small dues to pay for their activities. Some project areas may require small investments for supplies and equipment.

How do I join?

Parents interested in getting their child involved in 4-H should contact our 4-H Program Coordinator, Rachel Hart Brinson at or by calling the Eau Claire County Extension Office at 608-572-3656. Click the button below for the 4-H Welcome Packet.  A list of available clubs can be found here.

Adults who are interested in volunteering can find more information here.


All enrollment is done online by the individual – both members and leaders!  This enables you to get the information you need when you need it, and make your own updates.  After September first, visit to enroll for the coming year.   Individuals can join 4H at any time during the year, but need to be enrolled by May 1 to participate in the fair and it is appreciated that enrollment be completed by November for communication purposes.

If you have questions while doing this or need a computer:

  1. Read the below appropriate step-by-step instructions:
    Families Word | PDF
    Project Leaders Word | PDF
    Club Leaders Word | PDF
  2. Contact your leader and ask about your club’s “enrollment party”.
  3. Contact the Extension office for help at 715-839-4712, or stop in and borrow a laptop.  Please note that Extension Staff will not enroll you over the phone nor do the enrollment for you.

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