4-H Leaders Association

4-H Leaders Association

All 4-H parents, volunteers and youth leaders are members of the 4-H Leaders Association. The Association plans and carries out educational programs, establishes policies for the county 4-H program, and provides supplemental funding for Eau Claire County 4-H.

The Leaders Association meets the second Tuesday of January, March, May, June, September, and November. Meetings are held at the Extension office in Altoona beginning at 6:30 pm. The Executive Board meets at 6:00 pm.

The executive board of the 4-H Leaders Association is the 4-H Leaders Council. The Council President and Secretary, three at large adult members and two 4-H youth appointed by the 4-H Older Youth Council. The Council meets bimonthly. Council members, with the exception of the youth members, are elected at the September Association meeting.

All parents and 4-H volunteers are voting members and highly encouraged to attend 4-H Leaders Association meetings. This is the group that represents you and gives positive direction and support to the county 4-H program.

Please email rachel.hartbrinson@wisc.edu for a current 4-H Leader Association member list.

How can adults get involved?

Adults who have a sincere interest in helping youth grow into capable, caring, responsible citizens are encouraged to volunteer in the 4-H program. Volunteer roles include:

  • General Leader
    Serves as an advisor to a community 4-H club
  • Project Leader
    Helps youth learn about a particular project by sharing your interests, knowledge, talents, or just an enthusiasm for learning.
  • Activity Leaders
    Short term commitment to help 4-H members with an activity. Possibilities include: coaching basketball, directing a play or musical, or leading a community service activity.
  • Workshop Teacher
    Offers a workshop on a particular topic or project.
  • Chaperone
    Serves as a supervisor, role model and chaperone on a 4-H trip or event.
  • Fair Superintendent
    Supervises a department at the annual county fair.

All adults volunteering in the 4-H program must complete an orientation and screening. Please email our 4-H program Coordinator, Rachel Hart-Brinson, at rachel.hartbrinson@wisc.edu to learn more about volunteering.

4-H Parents and Guardians as Partners

How can Parent(s) and Guardian(s) be partners in 4-H?

  1. Help members select the right projects for their interest and your family’s situation.
  2. Give encouragement and supervision, but allow the 4-Her to do their own work. Also, this means giving positive encouragement when challenges arise.
  3. Help locate or assist youth in finding financial aid for project work, if needed.
  4. Provide a place for records and other club and county materials in the home (a 4-H drawer, box or file).
  5. Help members set standards of honesty, teamwork and good sportsmanship.
  6. Consider serving as a club project or activity leader.
  7. Be willing to help whenever possible for the club as drivers, chaperones, lunch committee, or as need arises.
  8. Attend club meeting with the member.
  9. Help member complete club and county achievement requirements for the year.
  10. Give input into the county program by participating in county meetings and serving on committees.
  11. Have fun with the youth.

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