Home » Prevention Education & Brief Interventions
Prevention Education & Brief Interventions
Did you know that Extension offers several prevention education programs and brief interventions on a variety of topics? These programs are created in collaboration with Dr. Rob Nix who is the Extension Specialist for Diverse and Underserved Children, Families and Communities, graduate students at UW-Madison, and Extension educators.
Almost all of our programs are intended to be relatively short, so they can be delivered within a single session of about an hour. Most of the programs are focused on changing one or two important ideas or behaviors that can lead to a positive cascade of other positive effects.
Below is a list of some of our programs and interventions.
- Crying Babies: Tips for New Parents
- Evidence-Based Strategies to Increase Happiness
- Fathers Matter
- Interactive Reading with Your Toddler
- Introduction to Mindfulness
- Let’s Talk about Race: Race-Conscious Parenting with Preschoolers
- Parenting Adolescents Using a Growth-Mindset Approach: Skills to Foster Grit and Resilience
- Using Television Viewing to Promote Children’s Development
- The Value of Emotion Coaching
- 10 Ways to Reduce Stress and Enhance Well-Being in 5 Minutes or Less
This is a short list of the many programs and interventions that Extension offers. If your organization is interested in collaborating with Extension to offer a program or you want to know more about other programs that are not listed, please call our office at 715-839-4712.