Western Wisconsin Ag Lender Conference Materials

2025 Agenda

You will find presentation slides / handouts we have received linked to each topic in the agenda below.

Have a question about something in a presentation? Visit https://bit.ly/24AgLenderQ and ask.

Program Evaluation

Demographics Survey

8:30 am    Registration
9:00 am    Welcome, Introductions, and Housekeeping
9:05 am    Dairy Outlook and Federal Order Update, DMC, Farm Bill, etc.
Leonard Polzin, Dairy Market  and Policy Outreach Specialist, UW-Madison Extension
10:15 am   Break
10:30 am  Grain Outlook
Dr. Brenda Boetel, Extension  Agriculture Marketing Specialist, UW-River Falls/Extension
11:15am Solar Contract Basics
Kelly Wilfert, J.D. Farm Law Outreach Specialist, UW-Madison, Division of Extension
+ Solar Contracts (pdf version of PowerPoint Presentation)
+ Conversations with Solar Developers Worksheet
+ Solar Energy Fact Sheet #23– Guide for Leasing Land
12:10pm Lunch
1:00  pm    Cattle Outlook (virtual)
Dr. Derrall Peel, Professor and Extension Specialist for Livestock Marketing, Oklahoma State University
+ Cattle Market Update (pdf version of PowerPoint Presentation)
1:45 pm    Break
2:00 pm    Business Leadership
Hank Wagner, Wagner Leadership Training
3:00 pm Wrap-up, Evaluation, and safe travel home

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